Hi guys, I have a problem with asura strike's damage. My problem is that when I increase my SP pool (equipping lady tanee, sleipnir etc) it doesn't increase asura's damage.
I didn't change my skill.c / battle.c / skill_db / skill_require_db.
Here is my skill.c extremity fist's formula :
case MO_EXTREMITYFIST: { short x, y, i = 2; // Move 2 cells for Issen(from target) struct block_list *mbl = bl; short dir = 0; skill->attack(BF_WEAPON,src,src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,tick,flag); if( skill_id == MO_EXTREMITYFIST ) { mbl = src; i = 3; // for Asura(from caster) status->set_sp(src, 0, 0); status_change_end(src, SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(src, SC_BLADESTOP, INVALID_TIMER); #ifdef RENEWAL sc_start(src, src,SC_EXTREMITYFIST2,100,skill_lv,skill->get_time(skill_id,skill_lv)); #endif // RENEWAL } else { status_change_end(src, SC_NJ_NEN, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(src, SC_HIDING, INVALID_TIMER); #ifdef RENEWAL status->set_hp(src, max(status_get_max_hp(src)/100, 1), 0); #else // not RENEWAL status->set_hp(src, 1, 0); #endif // RENEWAL } dir = map->calc_dir(src,bl->x,bl->y); if( dir > 0 && dir < 4) x = -i; else if( dir > 4 ) x = i; else x = 0; if( dir > 2 && dir < 6 ) y = -i; else if( dir == 7 || dir < 2 ) y = i; else y = 0; if ((mbl == src || (!map_flag_gvg2(src->m) && !map->list[src->m].flag.battleground))) { // only NJ_ISSEN don't have slide effect in GVG if (!(unit->movepos(src, mbl->x+x, mbl->y+y, 1, 1))) { // The cell is not reachable (wall, object, ...), move next to the target if (x > 0) x = -1; else if (x < 0) x = 1; if (y > 0) y = -1; else if (y < 0) y = 1; unit->movepos(src, bl->x+x, bl->y+y, 1, 1); } clif->slide(src, src->x, src->y); clif->fixpos(src); clif->spiritball(src); } } break;
Here is battle.c :
case MO_EXTREMITYFIST: // [malufett] { short totaldef = status->get_total_def(target); GET_NORMAL_ATTACK((sc && sc->data[SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER] ? 1 : 0) | 8, skill_id); if ( wd.damage ) { ATK_ADD(250 * (skill_lv + 1) + (10 * (status_get_sp(src) + 1) * wd.damage / 100) + (8 * wd.damage)); ATK_ADD(-totaldef); } } break;
skill_db :
271,-2,6,1,0,0x60,0,5,1,yes,0,0,0,weapon,0, MO_EXTREMITYFIST,Asura Strike
And still my asura's damage doesn't increase or decrease If I increase my SP even by 20K.
Does anyone have an idea why ? Thanks in advance
Here you can see I took a screen of my damage with or without lady tanee card. Left side is with lady tanee, right side is without lady tanee :