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Member Since 19 Apr 2017
Offline Last Active May 21 2017 08:12 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Help with quest npc bloody branch

19 May 2017 - 02:25 AM

Probe the npc and it worked perfectly the first time, the second probe and I did not want to give the bloody, try to do the quest again but still the same

In Topic: Help with npc ranking

12 May 2017 - 02:41 AM

Thanks I had to change script better and I found this one that is better, but I am having a problem with the ranking, I kill someone in pvp_n_1-5 and it tells me the death in the ranking but I kill another in guild_vs2 and it does not tell me can you help me

Thanks I had to change script better and I found this one that is better, but I am having a problem with the ranking, I kill someone in pvp_n_1-5 and it tells me the death in the ranking but I kill another in guild_vs2 and it does not tell me can you help me

In Topic: Help with npc ranking

09 May 2017 - 10:27 PM

The disbottom has killed so many, but not as I should enter the pvp room and not throw it, example I'm going to prontera, alberta and appears.

In Topic: Help with npc ranking

09 May 2017 - 05:29 AM

Yes, hahaha later I realized

In Topic: Help with npc of invasion

07 May 2017 - 07:02 AM

Solved thanks to both for helping me