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Member Since 19 Apr 2017
Offline Last Active May 21 2017 08:12 PM

Topics I've Started

Help with quest npc bloody branch

19 May 2017 - 01:46 AM

Hello, this npc part of it I got it here, but I wanted to modify it a bit when I talk to the second npc and I walk the items, the npc does not even give me the bloody branch.
Throw me in the next month "You do not have enough to exchange that many.";
Someone could help me please

Help with ranking npc

18 May 2017 - 05:47 AM

Hello, I have come to ask for help, I have this npc to modify some parts, the script reads me perfectly the general room but if I enter no pots the ranking does not tell me the deaths, can help me to solve this problem, in advance thanks

Help with prize machine

12 May 2017 - 11:47 PM

Hello download this npc and I liked it a lot, but I would like to change two things, that instead of giving hats of 100 cash example, and that to deliver the 100 cash is quite difficult that 100% is 5% to give cash

Hello download this npc and I liked it a lot, but I would like to change two things, that instead of giving hats of 100 cash example, and that to deliver the 100 cash is quite difficult that 100% is 5% to give cash

Help with npc ranking

09 May 2017 - 05:05 AM

Good evening, I have this pvp npc that I have modified, I take help since if I put a single map, the if I throw the option that says disbottom you have killed X in pvp, but if I put several maps I do not I can not help it with my error, thank you.



Help with npc of invasion

07 May 2017 - 01:34 AM

Hello, download this npc and it works perfectly, but I would like the mobs to be called different I do not want all to be called invader as it is in the npc, that there are different normal mobs not with the name of invader example marin poporing poring etc .. . I hope you can help me, thanks, I leave a script.