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Member Since 13 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 07 2013 12:52 PM

Topics I've Started

[help] 1 login for more than 1 DB

29 August 2013 - 03:44 AM


i will try to explane my doubt


i've my "RO-Renewal server" and my forum 'PHPB3'

but i want to serve more games like 'ragnarok old times', 'flyff', 'wow' and probably 'the mana world'

but each game has your own SQL DB and phpbb too

it give me more than 4 registers for each player


i know for RO and 'mana world' (maybe) i can make it as sub-server using the same login db and same login server (maybe with same grf and hexed too)


how about the other games?

can i make a new DB and a new CP to "merge/integrate/generalize" the register?

how to do that? someone can give me one light here, please?


i don't know exactly the terms to search 'bout that on search engines


About the new MOTD.txt

11 August 2013 - 09:45 PM


my doubt is:

how to send more then 1 line using the new MOTD.txt (npc/MOTD.txt)?



Custom BGM

14 July 2013 - 09:33 PM

I know how to make a custom BGM by overwriting the original ones
( Using MP3 80~96kbps with 22khz~32khz (work with both estereo and mono) )


How to make a Custom BGM without overwrite the original ones?


original Ragnarok servers use mp3 between 1 and 15x (so lets increase it to 200 mp3 files)

so i can use mp3 between 301 and 4xx w/o problems...


i want to use (my custom pack without overwrite the others)

301.mp3 for login308.mp3 for Prontera313.mp3 for Geffent314.mp3 for Payon





Cliente não conecta

14 July 2013 - 04:52 PM

Estou usando CentOS via SSH

usando a ultima release do Hercules (compilei a algumas horas apenas) (renewal)


estou usando Hexed, Data e Lua files 20120418



mudei o mmo.h importei e configurei sql, mudei as confs login, char, map, inter

mas toda vez que tendo conectar o servidor reconhece o login (no server login) mas a conexão cai no server char



a mensagem que estou recebendo é:

[Status]: Request for connection of teste (ip: x.x.x.x). 
[Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: teste, id: 2000001, ip: x.x.x.x)
[Status]: Connection of the account 'teste' accepted.
[Info]: Closed connection from 'x.x.x.x'.


Posted Image
nos outros emuladores tem que configurar tb db/packet_db.txt mas não encontrei este arquivo no hercules
(por padrão notei que mmo.h vem como "#define 20120418" por motivos obvios o "default" de "packet_db" deveria ser compatível com tal cliente)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr"?><clientinfo>	<desc>Ragnarok Client Information - Taiwan Version</desc>	<servicetype>korea</servicetype>	<servertype>sakray</servertype>	<extendedslot />	<connection>		<display>Ragnarok Online</display>		<desc>Powered By:</desc>		<balloon>Powered By:</balloon>		<address>ip.de.exe.mplo</address>		<port>6900</port>		 <langtype>8</langtype>				<version>26</version>		<aid>			<admin>2000000</admin>			<admin>2000001</admin>		</aid>				<loading>			<image>loading00.jpg</image>			<image>loading01.jpg</image>			<image>loading02.jpg</image>			<image>loading03.jpg</image>			<image>loading04.jpg</image>			<image>loading05.jpg</image>			<image>loading06.jpg</image>			<image>loading07.jpg</image>			<image>loading08.jpg</image>			<image>loading09.jpg</image>			<image>loading10.jpg</image>		</loading>		<registrationweb>http://ip.de.exe.mplo/cp</registrationweb>	</connection> 
onde estou errando, oq está faltando?