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Member Since 12 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 20 2017 09:38 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Ultimate Guild Ranker

09 May 2014 - 06:37 PM

Is this currently counting all player kills and not only the ones that happen in woe?

Not sure if this is meant to be a woe ranking or more of a general guild ranking, in which case you could have stuff like mvps killed by guild affect ranking too (suggestion)?

In Topic: NEMO - Client Patcher

02 May 2014 - 05:47 PM

Would it be possible to add features like remove client item and equip switch delay or freewalk as options?


removing clientside equip switch delay / item delay brings low and high ping players closer together. would be nice to have them directly on the client for players without the need for 3pp.

In Topic: Guild skill problems.

17 April 2014 - 11:36 AM

I got it figured out myself, thought I'd answer myself too in case someone else want to fix this since it happens with a normal sized guild aura as well.

Skill initialisation is done in skill.c. Only this small change was needed.


if( !group->state.song_dance && !group->state.guildaura && !map->getcell(src->m,ux,uy,CELL_CHKREACH) )       continue; // don't place skill units on walls (except for songs/dances/encores/guildauras)


In Topic: Freewalk onto traps, no direct attack cursor (sword cursor).

26 December 2013 - 03:16 AM

Thanks for the answer, however the cursor only changes on traps inside castle maps. It stays normal even on battleground maps so I believe theres a better way to fix this, something to do with mapflags quite possibly?


For freewalk I don't think that will really work as it need to be handled like a normal trap so remove trap, spring trap and the trap effect itself will work. I tried changing around firepillars and anklesnares unit_ids and well, it stops working completely. (though you can move freely onto it ;D) So whether movement to same cell as a unit is blocked or not is completely client side? That sounds sad, I guess this would need a client edit if thats the case?


Other option to how I'd like it to work is that the character would try to walk to melee range of the trap (try to melee attack) upon clicking it, at the moment its very hard for players to move inside a castle filled with traps as they cannot click on any cell with traps to attempt to move.

Happy holidays to you too :)

In Topic: How to use setnpcdisplay in an instance?

19 November 2013 - 03:57 AM




solved, asking for help too fast lol.