It uses super1-5.bmp, but what is the name of the str file?
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What is furys .str file name?
27 May 2014 - 06:58 PM
Guild skill problems.
14 March 2014 - 12:19 AM
I was planning on making the guild auras a bit more useful by making the aoe 11x11. I ran into some problems, screenshot would make it easier to explain but I'll try without for now.
When you run into a portal / relog in a corner the guild aura is not initialized on unwalkable cells. Like clowns songs vs landprotector when cast in corner.
So when entering a portal inside a castle it will not be initialized for the whole 11x11 area. How do I change that to function similiar to clown songs and get initialized for the whole area even if there is something blocking the way?
I was expecting skill_unit_db to be the answer but the following doesnt seem to work. Its set to 0x040.
0x010(UF_PATHCHECK) Only cells with a shootable path will be placed
It's not placing the effect on unshootable cells even though this is not set so I guess I'll have to change something in source.
Freewalk onto traps, no direct attack cursor (sword cursor).
26 December 2013 - 01:38 AM
Pointing me to the right direction would already help a lot.
Explaining what needs to be changed would be even better.
I would like it to be possible to freely move onto hunter traps, the trap should trigger normally (like how you can move into a firepillar) and that it would not show the sword cursor when you target a trap on woe maps.
We're running a pretrans server and this is a rather big problem currently as traps are used a lot. Especially many traps in a line blocks even trying to move onto the traps unless people zoom in and click somewhere between the traps.
How to use setnpcdisplay in an instance?
19 November 2013 - 03:44 AM
How to use in an instanced map?
1@def01,30,30,1 script Hole 723,{npctalk "POW!"setnpcdisplay("Hole","Rabbit",1063);npctalk "Gimme a carrot!"}
When the NPC is used in instance 0011@def01 it's changing the npc in the wrong, non instanced map.
New pneuma / old pneuma config option
18 November 2013 - 02:29 PM
New pneuma is so ugly my eyes are bleeding D:
Pre-renewal servers would love this.
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