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Member Since 17 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active May 26 2017 08:29 PM

Topics I've Started

Instances and Quests

14 August 2016 - 10:42 AM

Just a heads up I am very limited on time so releases will come slowly. Monster and Item releases will follow. Not all of the instances have been cleaned up yet so I won't add those until that has been done. These instances and quests were either released on Herc or rAthena and then translated and cleaned up by my team. We have invested months of our time in order to compile all of the information. Not much needs to be said here as it is all said in the git. 


All I ask in return it to encourage sharing in the community.




Monster and item info was gathered from the following websites:









Additional Instance information was gotten from forums such as:



rAthena: I will not be making an official release topic on rA since I do not feel it is my place to release content that is not ready for you. Though some of you have already contacted me and started converting the instances to rAthena. If you send those to me I will add them to the git under an rAthena folder, don't be jerks and not share. rAthena deserves some love too. 


Side note: Some of these instances require source edits such as getmobdata, setmobdata, specialeffects3, mobremove. I'm in the process of making these into plugins but my source knowledge is crap. All the information you need for these source edits can be found on the forums and some stuff you will have to search the web. If anyone wants to make plugin versions of these that would be much appreciated. It is possible btw, I know for a fact it is because I have a super messy version of getmobdata, but it works.