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Member Since 24 May 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 06 2014 03:30 AM

Topics I've Started

Pre-Renewal mechanics with 3rd Classes

30 May 2014 - 10:01 PM

Hello Everyone,


I've been playing around with a new server setup, and I have to say... As someone who played iRO from 2003 until 2008, the renewal mechanics just don't seem right to me. I want the 3rd classes, but I want them in a pre-renewal setting. So I looked at disabling renewal mechanics in the /src/config/renewal.h and tested a bit. The mechanics seem to be correct for pre-renewal, and the 3rd classes "and their skills" seem to work correctly. But my question is this... How balenced would the 3rd classes be in a pre-renewal setting? Has anyone done much testing with this? Having 3rd classes without renewal mechanics would be ideal for me. I know this doesn't fit official standards, but I'm fairly certain people would be interested in such a thing if it existed.


EDIT: Hmm, doing the above messes up the item descriptions I realized.

Damage values seem to be incorrect

30 May 2014 - 05:05 PM

Hello all!

I've been playing around with new characters and the first thing I noticed is that physical attack damage seems inconsistent with every renewal damage calculator I have tried. Here are some examples:

All tests are based on a level 1 novice, all stats are 1, and only a knife is equiped. All tests are VS a Fabre.


-Client Test---------------------------

player damage = 13 "min and max"

mob damage = 8 to 12


-RO Stat Calculator----------------


player damage = 13 "min and max"

mob damage = 26 to 31


-ROratorio's CalcX-----------------


player damage = 15 "min and max"

mob damage = 27 to 32


So... What is going on here? I felt right away that it was way too easy, and these tests seem to confirm that mobs are doing about 1/3rd the damage they are supposed to be doing. How do I fix this?

Problem with @whosell plugin

30 May 2014 - 04:58 AM

Hello all!


I'm trying to get the @whosell plugin to work on my server: http://herc.ws/board...ile/58-whosell/


I added the whosell.c to the ./src/plugins/ directory and did a make plugins. The whosell.so is in the ./plugins directory now. I added "whosell", to the plugins.conf file. But when I start the server, I get the following error message:


[Warning]: HPM:plugin_load: failed to load 'plugins/whosell.so', skipping...


Does anyone know how to get this plugin working? What am I missing?

Fixing broken hair dye in client

28 May 2014 - 03:24 AM

I have a issue where half my hair styles won't change color when creating new characters and using hair dye in game doesn't work for said hairstyles. Is there way to fix the original 27 hairstyles to work normally?

3rd class aura file names?

25 May 2014 - 12:05 PM

Hello everyone,


I'm trying to remove all the level 99 and level 175 auras from my game, as I have the level cap set at 1000 and it just looks silly when they appear. I've managed to get rid of all the aura effects for level 99 normal/trans, but I've got a whole new problem with the 3rd classes. Does anyone know the file names for the 3rd class auras? It looks like they all use the same one, a bright and explosive yellow / gold aura.



Never mind, I found the file names I needed. The 3rd class auras can be removed with 3 very simple hex edits. Feel free to send me a private message if interested.