Title says it all, able a option to find topics by it's tag on Bug Tracker, so we can see all confirmed/fixed bugs.
Member Since 23 Jan 2013Offline Last Active Jul 06 2016 07:38 PM
11 March 2015 - 01:25 PM
Title says it all, able a option to find topics by it's tag on Bug Tracker, so we can see all confirmed/fixed bugs.
09 March 2015 - 03:33 PM
A very simple command for the queue system, very easy to do, but it isn't available
queuecheck( queue_id, value );
return 1 if the value is found in the queue, 0 if not.
queueremove and queueadd does this checks, but you don't have the option to do the check without actually add / remove the value from the queue.
Other thing that would be very usefull.
queuevalues( queue_id );
returns all the values from the queue as an array. I haven't tested queue iterator yet so I don't know it's behavior, but from what I read I read from the docs, I can't do something like 'setarray .@list,queueiterator(queue_id);', if I can, than do not consider this suggestion, just the above one.