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Member Since 23 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2016 10:43 AM

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Which client supports the equipment comparison system?

20 April 2016 - 08:46 PM

I watched this video

and is wondering which client supports this?


it was uploaded 2013, so I expected that my 2014 client will have this, but it is not doing the same?

Is it server side or client side?



[HELP] cannot "Allow zero base/job exp gain"

08 April 2016 - 09:04 AM

first, at renewal environment




meaning 3 level difference, monster won't give any form of experience




int pc_level_penalty_mod(int diff, unsigned char race, uint32 mode, int type)
#if defined(RENEWAL_DROP) || defined(RENEWAL_EXP)
	int rate = 100, i;

	if( diff < 0 )
		diff = MAX_LEVEL + ( ~diff + 1 );

	for (i = RC_FORMLESS; i < RC_MAX; i++) {
		int tmp;

		if (race != i) {
			if (mode&MD_BOSS && i < RC_BOSS)
				i = RC_BOSS;
			else if (i <= RC_BOSS)

		if ((tmp=pc->level_penalty[type][i][diff]) > 0) {
			rate = tmp;
                // Allow rate = 0
                if ((tmp=pc->level_penalty[type][i][diff]) == 0) {
                    rate = 0;

	return rate;
	return 100;

allow looping for pc->level_penalty[type][i][diff]) == 0, then assign rate = 0




					int rate = pc->level_penalty_mod(md->level - (tmpsd[i])->status.base_level, md->status.race, md->status.mode, 1);
					base_exp = (unsigned int)cap_value(base_exp * rate / 100, 0, UINT_MAX);
					job_exp = (unsigned int)cap_value(job_exp * rate / 100, 0, UINT_MAX);

cap_value(a, min, UINT_MAX), where min was changed to 0 from 1, allow min to be 0. if zero base_exp and job_exp both 0.


But still:


monster is giving 1 exp



Is there other place where this is hardcoded?



where is the damage formula?

08 April 2016 - 07:01 AM

Hello! can you guys direct me where can I change the attack calculation for renewal?

I am trying to test jRO's Renewal formula








What is "Official" and what is "Aegis"?

04 April 2016 - 05:44 PM

I'd been lurking Hercules for sometime now, and got some free time I want to use in anyway to help the community. I am interested in making Hercules emulate the official RO behavior, specifically pre Renewal, but I need to clear some things up. As far as I know, hercules shadows the Aegis emulator, the emulator that official servers uses. So, which servers official/Aegis that are still running, I can play/bot with?

My current candidate is iRO classic Loki server. If I try to make accounts there, are those usable to gather info for official preRE hercules needs?



delete char using email address instead of birthdate on 2014+ client

21 March 2016 - 06:38 PM

rAthena has option to change whether you want to delete via email/birthdate via "char_del_option"


// Restrict character deletion by email address or birthdate.
// This restricts players from changing the langtype and deleting characters.
// For birthdate, the client must be 20100803 or newer.
// 1: Email address
// 2: Birthdate (default)
// 3: Email address or Birthdate

Does hercules have option for this?


I am thinking I can hex the new client 2014+ to say instead of birthdate to email address..

but on client side, i don't know where can i make the character deletion to check the email address field instead of birthdate?

