Scratch that, I failed to test it properly.
Working like on officials.
20 November 2014 - 09:44 PM
Scratch that, I failed to test it properly.
Working like on officials.
24 October 2014 - 10:02 PM
What a relief, thanks! That was the problem.
24 October 2014 - 01:38 PM
Is this the wrong section or is this a weird issue?
03 October 2014 - 09:46 AM
Nobody having trouble with this issue?
02 October 2014 - 09:08 AM
[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]but how to make all idnum into iteminfo.lub again.[/color]
You need two tools:
1) Item Converter (idnum<....>.txt ---> itemInfo.lua)
2) A tool to convert itemInfo.lua to itemInfo.lub
Not sure why, but my client didn't read from RO-FolderSystemitemInfo.lub but from RO-Folderdatacskroption.lub, so I had to rename the itemInfo.lub to cskroption.lub. Keep that in mind if things don't work out.