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Member Since 17 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 31 2015 01:08 PM

Topics I've Started

Acid Bomb cast delay (pre-re)

19 November 2014 - 10:01 PM

Trying to fix this skill delay on Acid Bomb to work like on officials.


Right now this skill has the following values in skill_cast_db.txt:

//-- CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION490,1000,1000,0,0,0,0

So 1s cast time, 1s cast delay.


On officials, Magic Strings used to reduce the cast delay to values below the ASPD-delay --> cast delay was effectively limited by ASPD and the input limit.


However here this cast delay is fixed to 1s, Magic Strings doesn't reduce it, nor does ASPD. I couldn't find how to flag the aftercast delay to be reduced by Magic Strings like most other spells do.


Does someone have the answer? Thanks in advance.


Edit: False alarm, it seems to be correct

Summoned Slaves Sprite Size

14 October 2014 - 07:53 PM



I already kind of asked in another thread, but I shouldn't have asked 2 questions at once, my bad.

So I'm gonna try to specify this problem a bit more:


Every time a boss monster recalls his slaves, the slaves' sprites become small. When you walk out of the screen and back, the sprites are big again, and this behaviour annoys me.




I found some monster_size_effect.lub files inside the ROSystem Folder, and thought they might have something to do with it, but deleting/renaming them didn't change a thing.


Can somebody help?


Thanks very much.

Summoned monster sprite size // monster having HP-Bar

30 September 2014 - 11:14 AM

I'm not really sure if this is a client-side problem, but I'm trying to remove the HP-bar from monsters and summoned ones changing their sprite size.


Using the 20120418 client and couldn't find anything about this matter yet.


Is there a way to remove those "features"?


Thanks in advance.

pre-re itemInfo.lub

28 September 2014 - 10:40 AM

Alright, I have read through topics about this and tried a few hours now, and it didn't work out
I'm using the 2012-04-18 client and trying to setup pre-renewal item descriptions with their values.


Diffs Read data folder first / Read lua before lub remain unchecked.
What I did:
1. get the num2item-whatever-.txt files from here:
2. Convert them using Item Converter to itemInfo.lua:


For example, the entry for Diabolus Robe looks like this, "Defense : ^7777776^000000" seems to be the correct DEF-value (6) for pre-re, right?



	[2374] = {		unidentifiedDisplayName = "Diabolus Robe",		unidentifiedResourceName  = "디아볼루스로브",		unidentifiedDescriptionName = {		},		identifiedDisplayName = "Diabolus Robe",		identifiedResourceName = "디아볼루스로브",		identifiedDescriptionName = {			"A robe which is decorated with unknown letters. The wearer feels like they're learning a new language.",			"MaxSP +150, Mdef +5",			"Reduces casting delay by 10%",			"Increases effectiveness of ^FF0000Heal^000000 skill by 6%.",			"When equipped with Diabolus Ring, ",			"Matk +3% and Atk +3%.",			"Class : ^777777Armor^000000",			"Defense : ^7777776^000000",			"Weight : ^77777730^000000",			"Required Level : ^77777760^000000",			"Jobs: ^777777Transcendent Archer, Mage, Acolyte^000000",		},		slotCount = 1,		ClassNum = 0	},

3. Convert to .lub using "luac5.1.4.exe"


4. Put itemInfo.lub into the RO-FolderSystem


5. See if it works (it doesn't):

(screen attached)


Like I think it gets the descriptions from somewhere else. Even when I temporarily rename the "System" folder and/or leaving my custom.grf to just modifying the clientinfo.xml (in case some files from there are messing things up), the descriptions are still from renewal and in english.


Am I missing something? Can someone help me with this?

Storm Gust Number of Strikes

25 September 2014 - 10:13 PM

Can someone tell me where to find the code for how Storm Gust works?


I can see it reading from skill_unit_db.txt but not how that information gets computed.


I'm trying to mimic the behavior on how Storm Gust worked on officials for pre-re boss property monsters (every second hit getting an extra hit for a total of 15 hits), but I can't find where it's coded.

