Dev Kuro, AKA Aaron Patrick Catulin, is a scammer.
I had made a deal with him for $110AUD for a full project, client side and server side.
Partial payment of $70AUD was to be made to him on 4 Sept 14 before he started on work.
Having made the payment, be began to start ignoring me and did not want to produce the files. He last replied me on 14 Sep 14.
[color=rgb(255,0,0);]He ignored me for over a month till 11 Oct 14 before I disputed the payment.[/color]
I had no choice but to dispute the paypal payment, but with the good being intangible, my dispute was declined.
Only then did he bother to reply, 12 Oct 14.
He assured me that he will produce the goods and that it would be done within 2 weeks.
He promised he would reply, but again, he went missing and did not want to reply me till date, 22 Nov 14.
I'm now scammed and here's the evidence. [color=rgb(255,0,0);]To those who want to engage in his services, BEWARE.[/color]
I know there's no way he's going to give me my files since he's ignored me for so long. As a Christian, I'm going to try to forgive him and let him do whatever he wants. But it's only right for me to inform everyone else, lest they get scammed too.
Just feeling quite sad to be this unfortunate. Thanks for reading and be careful!