@RodRich at least we got it working
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In Topic: R> command when killing monsters
11 April 2015 - 02:04 PM
In Topic: R> command when killing monsters
09 April 2015 - 07:09 PM
was testing around, there was a mistake on the script, actually:
doesn't work at all, so any monster you'd kill would increase the counter, the real script is like this:
if(killedrid==1002) // and replace the 1002 for any monster ID
that way, only the monster ID you choose would increase the counter.
In Topic: slowing down the /stat+ commands
08 April 2015 - 01:01 AM
according to this comment @ clif.c
/// Request to increase status (CZ_STATUS_CHANGE)./// 00bb <status id>.W <amount>.B/// status id:/// SP_STR ~ SP_LUK/// amount:/// Old clients send always 1 for this, even when using /str+ and the like./// Newer clients (2013-12-23 and newer) send the correct amount.solution will be by tweaking 'pc->statusup' by changing the amount increase to 1 then loop it having a delay per iteration until it reach the maximum desire amount...
found it:
/// Request to increase status (CZ_STATUS_CHANGE)./// 00bb <status id>.W <amount>.B/// status id:/// SP_STR ~ SP_LUK/// amount:/// Old clients send always 1 for this, even when using /str+ and the like./// Newer clients (2013-12-23 and newer) send the correct amount.void clif_parse_StatusUp(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd) { int increase_amount; increase_amount = RFIFOB(fd,4); if( increase_amount < 0 ) { ShowDebug("clif_parse_StatusUp: Negative 'increase' value sent by client! (fd: %d, value: %d)n", fd, increase_amount); } pc->statusup(sd, RFIFOW(fd,2), increase_amount);}
but exactly what do I tweak ._.?
In Topic: R> command when killing monsters
06 April 2015 - 11:23 PM
oh... I feel stupid now but it works now, and I LOVE YOU FOR THAT
In Topic: R> command when killing monsters
06 April 2015 - 11:14 PM
by all the gods in heaven... doing this:
- script test1 -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: set .@map$, "prontera"; if(strcharinfo(3)==.@map$){ if(getmonsterinfo(killerid,1008)==getmonsterinfo(0,1008){ // aparently that las { doesn't have a closure... set f1ks,f1ks +1;// to count +1 kills; announce "PORINGS KILLED +1 ["+ f1ks +"/5]",3; } if (f1ks >= 5){ set f1ks,f1ks=0; //to reset the counter and buff sc_start 10, 240000,10; }}end;}
it has an error when reloading again...
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