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Member Since 03 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2015 10:34 PM

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slowing down the /stat+ commands

07 April 2015 - 08:10 PM

hi! so, you know when you type for example /str+ 100 it will be gradually increasing your str by consuming stat points right? well for some reason with my client it does it automatically, like is goes straight to 100, so I want to know how to slow it down? since doing it that way when you level multiple stats really fast, it ends up spending more stat points than it should by rewarding way less stats, for example:


in my server, max stat is 700, so you'd type /str+ 255 and str is 256 now, do it again, 511, do it again, 700, that's good, then you move to the second stat, 1st one to 256, 2nd one to 511, 3rd one to 668, and you have to type it a 4th time to get to 700,and when you're trying to increase the 3rd stat, the 1st one works, then the second /stat+ 255 only reaches 465, the 4rd one only 575, 5th time 652, 6th tyme 668 and so on... so you end up spending all your stat points in 3 stats to 700, when you have enough to get at least 4 stats to 700 and a 5th one to 100~ish.


anybody knows how to make it so instead of jumping straight to 255, it goes 1 by 1, fast but still 1 by 1?


PS: I'm using 2013-12-23ragexe

R> command when killing monsters

06 April 2015 - 04:56 PM

:D I want to know if it's possible to script that when you kill X mob in Y map, it exexutes Z command, like for example to add +1 to a counter, and when that counter reaches a certain number, then it executes a certain command, or when killing a monster it buffs you, I'd greatly appreciate on some help on how to create a script of this kind :D

Can't conect to my server

03 April 2015 - 11:05 PM

Hello! so I'm pretty new to Hercules (tried eAthena and rAthena before tho) and I managed to get the map server, char server and login server running, they got no errors on the console... BUT when I try to log in from the client the next ensues:

-I select the server from the list

Posted Image


-I log in with username and password

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-I select the server from the list (at this point the console shows my attemp to log in)

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I'm using 2014-04-16aRagexe and used NEMO to diff it.


here's my clientinfo.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?><clientinfo>	<desc>Ragnarok Client Information</desc>	<servicetype>korea</servicetype>	<servertype>primary</servertype>	<extendedslot />	<connection>		<display>Cube Gaming Ragnarok ONline</display>		<desc>250k/250k/Various</desc>		<balloon>CLICK ME!!</balloon>		<address>**.**.**.**</address>		<port>6900</port>		<version>46</version>		<langtype>1</langtype>		<registrationweb>*******</registrationweb>		<yellow>			<admin>2000001</admin>			<admin>2000002</admin>			<admin>2000003</admin>		</yellow>		<loading>			<image>loading00.jpg</image>			<image>loading01.jpg</image>			<image>loading02.jpg</image>			<image>loading03.jpg</image>			<image>loading04.jpg</image>			<image>loading05.jpg</image>			<image>loading06.jpg</image>			<image>loading07.jpg</image>			<image>loading08.jpg</image>			<image>loading09.jpg</image>			<image>loading10.jpg</image>		</loading>	</connection></clientinfo> 


Any Idea of what may be happening or how can I fix it?