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Member Since 28 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 24 2017 11:28 PM

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In Topic: NEMO - Client Patcher

13 May 2016 - 04:09 PM


Would it be possible to add an option to keep the Battle Mode cheat then send a message?

We explained my situation:

1.- I'm playing in Battle Mode, but then I get a message from another player and I want to answer.

2.- Press 'Enter' to deactivate the battle and write my message and pressed again 'Enter' to send it.

3.- But while writing a monster or a player begins to attack me and I want to use skills that I have for example QWER keys (such as LoL).

4.- But then the Battle Mode is still active and must finish sending double pressing 'Enter' to reactivate it.

With these data, it is possible that the Battle Mode is reactivated immediately after sending a message?

In Topic: Official Item Group/Package/Chain

02 May 2016 - 11:24 PM

this no support Item id!?

Isn't name good? So there's little chance of mistakes (ID typo, etc...)

Good when you have a few items, but when you want to add many items and use an external page (as ratemyserver.net) ITEM_NAME some are different.

I had to spend a few hours reviewing and comparing the ITEM_NAME of ratemyserver with those of item_db.conf, the first time I did it I had at least 71 errors by different names. It would have been much easier to have the option of using names or ids.

In Topic: Official Item Group/Package/Chain

30 April 2016 - 05:00 AM

this no support Item id!?

In Topic: skill delay

28 April 2016 - 03:08 AM

Yes and... NO

Double Strafe no have Cooldown.

the delay 0 is based in ASPD.

Add cooldown no have effect in the Delay.

the min delay by aspd is 100 milliseconds. this is... aspd: 197... i thing.

In Topic: skill delay

27 April 2016 - 04:49 PM

Officially Double Strafe is based on ASPD.

When the "AfterCastActDelay" is 0, it is based only ASPD. Except if they have a Cooldown or Delay.


With the change you put, you have added a cooldown of 1 second and not reduced by ASPD.