Triedge hasn't added any friends yet.
Posted by Triedge on 23 September 2015 - 11:51 PM
Posted by Triedge on 15 May 2015 - 04:37 PM
A Database Error OccurredError Number: 1222The used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsSELECT * FROM ((SELECT * FROM (`tcp_shop`) JOIN `item_db2` ON `item_db2`.`id`=`tcp_shop`.`item_id`) UNION (SELECT * FROM (`tcp_shop`) JOIN `item_db_re` ON `item_db_re`.`id`=`tcp_shop`.`item_id`)) a ORDER BY `name_japanese` asc LIMIT 0, 10Filename: F:AppServwwwcorasystemdatabaseDB_driver.phpLine Number: 330
A Database Error OccurredError Number: 1222The used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsSELECT * FROM ((SELECT * FROM (`tcp_shop`) JOIN `item_db2` ON `item_db2`.`id`=`tcp_shop`.`item_id`) UNION (SELECT * FROM (`tcp_shop`) JOIN `item_db_re` ON `item_db_re`.`id`=`tcp_shop`.`item_id`)) a ORDER BY `name_japanese` asc LIMIT 0, 10Filename: F:AppServwwwcorasystemdatabaseDB_driver.phpLine Number: 330
Solved. Just adding Bindonequip to item_db2
In application/controller/shop.php
if(isset($_GET['cat'])) { switch($_GET['cat']) { case 'consume': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(0,2,11,18)); break; case 'head': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(1,256,257,512,513,768,769)); break; case 'weapon': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(5)); break; case 'shield': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(32)); break; case 'armor': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(16)); break; case 'robe': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(4)); break; case 'shoes': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(64)); break; case 'accessories': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(8,128,136)); break; case 'pets': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(7,8)); break; case 'cards': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(6)); break; case 'costumes': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(1024,2048,3072,4096,5120,6144,7168,8192)); case 'misc': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(3,10)); break; } }
Change for:
if(isset($_GET['cat'])) { switch($_GET['cat']) { case 'consume': $cond = array('index'=>'type','val'=>array(0,2,11,18)); break; case 'head': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(1,256,257,512,513,768,769)); break; case 'weapon': $cond = array('index'=>'type','val'=>array(5)); break; case 'shield': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(32)); break; case 'armor': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(16)); break; case 'robe': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(4)); break; case 'shoes': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(64)); break; case 'accessories': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(8,128,136)); break; case 'pets': $cond = array('index'=>'type','val'=>array(7,8)); break; case 'cards': $cond = array('index'=>'type','val'=>array(6)); break; case 'costumes': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(1024,2048,3072,4096,5120,6144,7168,8192)); case 'misc': $cond = array('index'=>'type','val'=>array(3,10)); break; } }
Posted by Triedge on 01 May 2015 - 01:36 PM
- too much zeny (inflation)
I have script (Capitalism System) and source mod.
Which controls the price of consumables based on several factors, such as flow zenys, supply and demand for consumable items.
if demand is currently very high, it is increasing the price of the object based on 5%.
Otherwise, it reduces the object's base price 3%.
The base price is controlled depending on the flow of current zenys on the server.
Posted by Triedge on 27 April 2015 - 07:36 AM
array element 0-4 --->getarrasize will retrun 5
so it's need to -1
But that does not overwrite the previous value?
Previous value => .@test [4] = 5
New Value => .@test [4] = 6
Posted by Triedge on 18 December 2013 - 11:52 PM
Skill Delay in Level 1: 1 sec
Skill Delay in Level 2: 1.2 sec
Skill Delay in Level 3: 1.4 sec
Skill Delay in Level 4: 1.6sec
Skill Delay in Level 5: 1.8 sec
Skill Delay in Level 6: 2 sec
Skill Delay in Level 7: 2.2 sec
Skill Delay in Level 8: 2.4 sec
Skill Delay in Level 9: 2.6 sec
Skill Delay in Level 10: 2.8 sec
Posted by Triedge on 18 December 2013 - 02:52 PM
nothing in skill.conf or other confs can affect the cooldown.
so the last hope is doing it manually write?
about this
//-- ASC_BREAKER379,250,1000:1200:1400:1600:1800:2000:2200:2400:2600:2800,0,0,0,10000,250what is 10000 here? is it milliseconds?
Cooldown: 10 sec
Delay in level 10: 2.8 sec.
cast and fixed cast in: 0.25 sec.
Posted by Triedge on 14 November 2013 - 12:14 AM
with Renewal Features:
In src/map/status.c
str = (int)(rstr + (float)dex/5 + (float)st->luk/3 + (float)((TBL_PC*)bl)->status.base_level/4);
change for:
str = (int)(rstr + (float)dex/5 + ((rstr/10)*(rstr/10))+ (float)st->luk/3 + (float)((TBL_PC*)bl)->status.base_level/4);
Posted by Triedge on 05 November 2013 - 08:15 PM
in: npc/custom/jobmaster.txt
Search line:
set .ThirdClass,1; // Enable third classes? (1: yes / 0: no)
Change for:
set .ThirdClass,0; // Enable third classes? (1: yes / 0: no)