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Member Since 28 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 24 2017 11:28 PM

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Fail with custom Logs

18 May 2016 - 02:21 AM

Working on a log damage, but a strange error when saving a data within the database.

void log_damage_skills(int char_id, const char *char_name, int class, int char_lvl,int batk,int watk, int mob_id, const char *mob_name, int mob_lvl, int skill_id, int skill_lv, struct Damage damagd, int porcentual) {

	ShowDebug("Iniciando logsamage \n");
	ShowDebug("(per	= '%d') \n", porcentual);

	int finalper = porcentual;
	char *Final = "finalmente";
	if (SQL_ERROR == SQL->Query(logs->mysql_handle, LOG_QUERY " INTO `control_skill_damage` ( `date`, `char_id`, `char_name`, `class`, `char_lvl`, `char_batk`, `char_watk`, `mob_id`, `mob_name`, `mob_lvl`, `skill_id`, `skill_lv`, `damage`, `porcentual`, `notas`) VALUES (NOW(), '%d', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', 'Finalmente')", char_id, char_name, class, char_lvl, batk, watk, mob_id, mob_name, mob_lvl, skill_id, skill_lv, damagd, porcentual)
		) {

The problem is the value "porcentual"

Always keep a value of 0.

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Just I do not understand why always returning the value.
In fact, in the console it is that the value is 50, 400, etc ...

But when saving, always keeps 0.

Launch script OnEvent from SRC, is possible?

08 April 2016 - 10:11 PM

I'm thinking of adding a system of analyzing, but ... to achieve function as desire.


I would be useful for certain events scripts are executed, but from the src ... remember someone posted something similar.

Keep Battlemode chat.

27 December 2015 - 04:22 PM

Would it be possible to add an option to keep the Battle Mode cheat then send a message?

We explained my situation:

1.- I'm playing in Battle Mode, but then I get a message from another player and I want to answer.

2.- Press 'Enter' to deactivate the battle and write my message and pressed again 'Enter' to send it.

3.- But while writing a monster or a player begins to attack me and I want to use skills that I have for example QWER keys (such as LoL).

4.- But then the Battle Mode is still active and must finish sending double pressing 'Enter' to reactivate it.

With these data, it is possible that the Battle Mode is reactivated immediately after sending a message?

Como editar el nuevo mob_db.conf de manera masiva?

30 October 2015 - 11:04 PM

Yo me dedico a hacer mod servers.

Y este nuevo formato me ha complicado enormemente el trabajo.


Ojo, no estoy pidiendo un convertidor.

Si no algo que me permia editar cientos de monstruos de manera muy facil siguiendo una serie de formulas.