- Viewing Profile: Issues: prism
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Kagerou/Orobo Charms not working
Posted 8 May 2015
When casted the charm item requirements are consumed but no charm is actually granted to the character. Usually there is something circling the character like a spirit sphere such as a flame if you use fire charm. These do not appear however and when using the skill KO_KAIHOU (Release Ninja Spell) it is not affected by any charms that might be there but not visually shown. Also, when casting KO_KAIHOU with no spheres it still creates the circle and freezes mobs that walk through it but does no damage. This does not affect players.
Using abilities before cooldown is gone.
Posted 17 Dec 2014
Someone posted this in the support section and not bug tracker. I'm having a similar issue with my server. You are able to use White Imprison before the defined cooldown has ended. Even though the skill is still greyed and the timer is ticking you can cast it again before it's finished.i have heavily modified the skill_castdb, making use of the cooldown section of the castdb rather than the delay one
so to quickly recap, delay sets all of your skills on cooldown and cooldown sets only the specific skill on cooldown
pre-re rag basically only has delays(with the exception of guild skills)
when dealing with multiple spells that have cooldowns but no delay(in this case, SG --> LoV --> cold bolt --> spam the shit out of cold bolt) the cooldown of cold bolt for some odd reason can be bypassed even though it shows the cooldown ticking on my hotbar, and can be chained infinitely as long as you spam fast enough(or more specifically, chain at the correct moment).
this has reoccurred to me when casting holy light(autocast npc_changeundead) --> magnus --> heal --> spam heal
this is a big problem because i really can't be having cooldowns be bypassed for no apparent reason
both situations happened when an AoE spell was present and hitting at least 1 target, so maybe the proc hit of an AoE spell is making some kind of opening?
any thoughts on why this could occur? i don't think it's coming up as any kind of error in the server console
Wand Of Hermode
Posted 19 Oct 2014
Cash Shop Unknown items
Posted 12 Jul 2014
Concentration/Awakening/Berserk Potion Stone Curse
Posted 25 Jun 2014
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