I know that Cart Termination ignores Reflect Shield but I was wondering how to make some skills ignore reflect. I also wanted to make critical hits do the same or maybe ignore only Reflect Shild.
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How to make Certain Skills and Critical Hits ignore reflect?
03 May 2017 - 01:34 AM
FAW Silver Sniper get target of Master
01 December 2016 - 07:25 PM
Does anyone know if this is possible? I want to make it so that FAW Silver Snipers and Magic Decoys will target the same thing as their master. Preferably in the form of the master using a skill say, Provoke or another skill, on the target and the summons will make that their new target. The closest things I can think of are Homuns and those elemental summons Sorcers get where the master can give them a target but that isn't done through a skill.
Assumptio Cancel Kyrie if Kyrie level is < 11
30 November 2016 - 01:46 AM
Level 11 Kyrie and higher is possible with a certain build on my server. However, I wait to make it so that if a player casts Assumptio on a player that has Kyrie that is less than level 11, it will dispel it. I have the opposite working where if Kyrie level is less than level 11 it will cancel Assumptio. Getting the status level and canceling it is is my problem however.
I tried this in status.c
Also tried this in skill.c:
Code for canceling Assumptio for reference:
map zone db player healing reduction
19 June 2016 - 03:16 AM
Is it possible to reduce the power of Heal with map zone db? If so, how can I make it where players heal less when using AL_HEAL ?
delete please
12 June 2016 - 02:33 AM
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